Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

View Looking North Across the Tweed

A mild day for the Sunday bike ride. Blue sky and sunshine. Slowly getting faster as I do the same route as last week, but with a wee bit extra to Drumelzier and Broughton.

Only a few cyclists out though. Its out through Bush, down to Auchendinny. I am reminding myself not to stop for photos as I am training for an event, and I like to go out in the afternoon with my partner..

I climb out from Auchendinney, then turn left on to the Top Gear road over Mount Lothian, then on to the Fallatoll road to get to the A703. Its down to Eddleston, then turn right on to the Meldons road. There is quite a lot of wind today. Sometimes in my face, and at other times in my face. On the A72 for only a short section today. I turn south to head for Broughton. The daffodils are out on the left had side of the road.

The road passes through Stobo. It around that point I cycle over some mud left on the road by a farm vehicle. the back tyre seems to have become very spongy. Just after Dawyck botanic gardens, I stop and decide to change the inner tube. The blip shows the view from the side of the road at this point

Rear wheel nice and firm again, I carry on to Drumelzier and the A701. The sign here says Moffat 23, Edinburgh 29 (miles). I head north on the A701. The wind is initially behind me. This is good, as the road surface here is atrocious. the swapped inner tube is holding up. 

In a short while, where the A72 joins the A701, the road becomes the A72, which seems a bit confusing.But the road is heading north, slowly climbing. the wind is a slight cross wind, but my legs are feeling good, and I'm cycling pretty fast. The road descends to Blythe Bridge, Where the A701 and A72 part company. I carry on north, along the A701. The road climbs to Mountain Cross.

After Mountain Cross, I turn left off the A701 road on to the Bogsbank road. Its a bit of a climb, but at the top,the road turns NE and the wind is behind me. The wind becomes a strong crosswind as I cycle through West Linton. on to Deanfoot road. On the climb up from Whitfield, the wind momentarily becomes a tail wind, and I catch and overtake a cyclist. Despite the crosswind, it is still a quick ride across the moor road, and zoom down to Penicuik.

I take the quick route home along Seafield Moor road to Fairmilehead. I get home about 1:30, a bit late this week. I have a quick shower before lunch. The route can been seen at Relive. Total distance 97km, 60.3miles.

I am late home,so I have a quick lunch, then my partner go down to Morningside. I get the latest version of book about LightroomCC from a charity shop. I'll give the old copy to a charity shop when I find it. Its nice and sunny still.

A nice family tea. Then its ironing my work clothes before helping to dry the dishes. Then I settle down to catch up with my blips.

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