MIL’s 80th

Today was my Mother-in-law’s 80th birthday party.

We have a family of 5 staying with us for the whole weekend and there has been lots to cook, lots to do, lots of beds to make, lots to organise and even more lots of clearing up around the lots and lots of washing up. I did wonder where my sister-in-laws were, but funny enough, they had scarpered. By the end of the today, I was ready to chop off my aching feet.

But God was honoured today. In a room largely filled with 80/90 year olds, the sense of gratitude for God’s blessing and promise through thick and thin was absolutely crystal clear. My MIL was a star.

And her 13 grandchildren played their part too, with serving and clearing and singing and reading poems and and and ...

One little hiccough was that HatBox wasn’t well. I think her eyeball was falling out, or something similar. She used a cold flannel and a pair of sunglasses to hold it in.

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