
We went on several subways which were really packed. We couldn’t get on the first one and even the next we had a real squeeze to get on, to get to an older area of the city, Asakusa, to see the Sensoji Temple. There was a heavingly busy street lined with stalls to get to it, blipped.

I paid 75p to shake a box of sticks and then let one fall out. It had a number or symbol in Japanese and I had to find the corresponding box to take out the paper with my fortune on it.

“The moon is covered by floating clouds. You will have difficulty in making any plans. Do your best and ask for help if others. You don’t have to worry. Open your eyes and look to the future. Your wishes will be realised in the end. A sick person will recover, but take a little while. Marriage and making a trip are both good. Employment should be stopped.” That all sounds good, especially ally the last 3 sentences.

We had a walk by the river to view the tallest building, the skytree, but you have to book to go up and it was £40 each.

Then it was another train, to another area, Ueno, where we saw a lovely park where there had been blossom, now over, and a peony garden. A pretty was there too.

Then another train to what had been the black market, now just stalls, and the animation area where people bought games, and there were cafes you could pay to pet a hedgehog or a cat (real not animated,)

As my camera died (from exhaustion probably) we had been getting advice from friends about what to get as a replacement. I wanted a good zoom bridge-type. I’d been advised to go for the Panasonic LUMIX FZ80/82 but we discovered that is not available in Japan. The equivalent model FZ 85 is for the Japanese market only. It took ages to get the language changed - couldn’t read the Japanese menu to find language change. But google got us there.

Supper was a Japanese Tapas. Horse shashimi, shark gristle etc. But I had tuna sushi and deep fried avocado tempura with a funny sauce. After I met a couple of women on the 25th floor for a cocktail. Mr C didn’t come,p - said it was too dear. I got a white lady, and asked for residents discount so it was £8 which I though cheap for a cocktail. By 11.30 I needed my bed so am back-blipping this as I was just too tired. It is all the crowds of people and hectic stations and packed underground that are quite tiring I find.

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