I wasn't supposed to do another collage, but...

I had just a great walk down the Clot all by myself. I saw so much, perhaps because I was alone and not making noise by speaking aloud. The rarities are:

In the middle there is Oxyura leucocephala or Malvasia Cabeciblanca in Spanish. A duck which is nearly extinct. What a treat to see that! It's the one with the blue beak. It's quite small compared to other ducks. When I first saw it from far I did not understand what was coming because it was so bright blue.

I learned from the mighty internet that the male's beak is blue only during breeding season.

In the right corner above is a real live chameleon! I have never seen one. Once I took one step trying to get better angle to take a picture and it was gone into the bushes! It was right next to the walking path. If it hadn't made this shuffling noise I would never had seen it.

Yesterday I was reading online about all the animals we have on the Clot. There's also a snake called "culebra bastarda" (bastard snake). That sounds like a name of a heavy metal band.

I'm so happy I didn't encounter any heavy metal band named creatures today. I've seen enough of those for a lifetime. 

I made this dress today:

I'll post more pics from Clot de Galvany to:

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