Canon Can

By Trotter

Phillip Island

Today, I went to Phillip Island to see the Little Penguins emerging from the see at sun set to get back to their nests and babies. A protected species, they are indigenous to Australia and are only found in the southern hemisphere. Unfortunately you are not allowed to take photo's during this whole spectacular event, but having already posted my Little Penguin photo when I had to aneasthetise one at work, I opted for another of Australia's weird and wonderful wildlife. I started off Churchill Island where i went bush walking and visited the heritage farm followed by a lovely lunch. I then travelled on to the Koala Sanctuary. Again, I have already posted a koala shot, but, as I was walking through the bush, this little wallaby looked up at me in general annoyance and I got some great pictures. He was completely unphased by my presence and I was so close when taking my pictures. I finally got to hear the laughing kookaburra's too. Another day full of adventure!

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