What?? What?

What on earth does SHE want now???? 

Can't SHE see I'm super busy checking out the very back of the very bottom of the back garden?  It's important work.  There may have been marauders, or even worse, there may have been CATS.

The only good cat in the entire world is our cat.  And even he has his moments.  But by and large I can cope.

But I can't abide any other cats - we have got precious birds in our garden (I can't abide them much either, but there's not a lot I can do about that) - but I can and will keep all cats out of MY yard.

And that's an end to it.  No more arguments please.

Sorry - end of rant. 

NO MORE CATS IN BELAIR. (It's OK Uncle El - you can keep your cats, so long as you promise not to bring them over to Belair - if you did, you and I would have to have words).

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