At Last

By 8


Maybe you can see where I'm going with this...
On the right - a photo of a Lepidodendron fossil (the trees which formed the coal measures).
Second from right a stylised painted version.
On the left, rusty wire mesh with diamond pattern used as grid to draw through in white pen onto lino (second from left)
Tomorrow - lino cutting.
After fifty five years of drawing with something dark onto something light... it's bloody hard for me to see this the other way around.... cut away the bits you need to be white... okay I think I got that bit.
Small steps, Jac... and I don't have to worry about this ne coming out back to front because it's symmetrical....
But I do want to print in grey then black.... and what if I try some prints on white paper and some on grey and some on black with white ink and....oh.... I dunno....
mutter mutter mutter

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