Day three

A super day.  Started with a trip over to Threave Castle via boat, which was exciting in itself, but then we walked along to where there was a warden with several pairs of binoculars set up, trained on an osprey nest.  We were lucky enough to see the male and the female bird, a kite, a buzzard and then a peregrine falcon!  Neither of us are what you would call keen bird watchers, but we do like to see them and this was a real treat.

There was also an old osprey nest near the car park, 2m x 1m in size!  Huge!  Very impressive.

After lunch we went along to Gatehouse of Fleet and spent ages exploring the Mill on the Fleet, including lots of time in the secondhand book shop!  So much more to see - another lovely place that we would love to go back to.  Sat in the sun with our ice creams, listening to the river and it was perfect!

Went on to Whithorn, to the Isle of Whithorn, for the evening and parked up by St Ninian's chapel.  It was so great to be back on the shore, on the rocks, Ollie able to wander about off his lead.  We had a lovely, leisurely walk before turning in.  Super to have been able to spend the day in shirt sleeves, to discard jumpers, waterproofs, scarves and gloves!  

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