
By Poppy


After our night in the forest, we set off on westwards.  The idea was to see Sanquhar, famed for its knitting, but the Tolbooth Museum was closed, being a Monday, so a bit of a fruitless trip.  

Instead we went to New Lanark and what a wonderful place it is.  No wonder it is a UNESCO World Heritage site. I was so engrossed that I didn't take any photos, but here's a link.  We were there for hours, and it was fascinating.  What an amazing man Robert Owen was. In the 1800s he provided decent homes, fair wages, free health care, an education system for villagers and so much more.  We could do with more like him these days!

On the spur of the moment we decided to head to Fife to see friend Shelagh.  Luckily she was free and more than happy to see us, so we had a lovely evening together with a takeaway and lots of catching up. 

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