And then came the clouds...

First golf tourney with the women's club. I peeked out the window from my bed as the alarm rang at an unusually early time for me and thought: 'no way': clouds, rain... But hey, trooper that I am, I went for it.  

Got there to full sun and a depleted group of players (apparently the 'no way' reasoning held true for some of us). It was downright toasty and I started shedding layers. 

Then, the scene depicted on my posting. Bad news. The sun disappeared a few minutes later, winds kicked up to 40mph (which provided a convenient excuse for some of my lousy shots) and then rain.  

The group that followed us sent a messenger to our group on hole 8: 'what do you say we call it a day and have lunch?' Much welcome message! So, there you have it: an 8-hole stableford tourney!

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