
I've gone over to the dark side!
I learnt a lot of fun filled facts at last night's workshop, including:-
-Calibrating my lens until I found its 'sweet spot'... ooer, matron
-Taking 10 trillion pictures of the same thing at a different focal plane - bit like an MRI scan
-Importing 10 trillion pictures in Photoshop (new one on me, steep learning curve)
-Stacking 10 trillion pictures before exporting to who knows where...
Part 2) 
HDR for improving tonal range and also for the colour blind
Importing bracketed images into Photoshop, messing with the stacking... then I lost the plot...zzzz
Today the sun was shining and  I had 8 hours to spare... so here's a bunch of nerdie daffodils for Flower Friday... wait, is it still Friday? ;)
And, in the extra there is a very special behind the scene Playroom shot....


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