Still not 100%

Thank you so so much Blippers for all your messages of support on my 'poorly blip yesterday'.

I'm still not 100% but at least I've stopped being sick and I've eaten loads today.

I had a fantastic play down on the beach this afternoon. I chased lots of body boarders into the sea, I stole a ball off another collie (but I didn't get into trouble because his owner said I could play with him) and I did loads of running.

I've still got diarrhoea though! You wouldn't believe the number of 'runny poos' I had this afternoon. I know, I know - too much information!!! .....................But at least I haven't had any 'accidents' in the house today.

Anyway, thank you for caring Blippers.

.............................................I bet by tomorrow I'll be back in 'tip top healthy, energetic, collie mode'. Yay!

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