Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


A nice day to do bike maintenance. I fix the disc brake on one bike. Ihave to fit some spaces, then spend some time realigning the brake so it doesn't rub. On my road bike I pump up the tyres for tomorrow's ride. I give it a spin, and there's something rubbing. Ah, the tyre is bulging. that would be the reason why I go a puncture last week.

Actually, I stop at this point to hang up the second lot of washing (my partner has a book binding class, so I'm on my own for the afternoon).

Fortunately I have a spare couple of tyres in the shed. The first doesn't fit the rim very well. Then its lunch time.

After lunch, its fortunate that the second one fits very well. I just have to tidy up all the tools I've taken out of the shed.

I then go down to the bike shop to get two new inner tubes. On Bruntsfield links, the first hint of green is starting to appear on the trees. The park is busy with people enjoying the sunshine. There are a few barbecues on the go. Walking back from the bike shop, I pass a tree in full bloom (my blip).

From here, its down for afternoon coffee, then home to do some pottering around, outside, in the sunshine.

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