Talk on corners

Danny took Charlie back home this morning, and the kids off to church...I stayed home to potter and try and shift this headache. I had a slow and productive morning. 
This afternoon/evening we went up to Sa Penya for the service - I love love LOVE it. Such an honour to be there. I love how authentically Roma it is...this song we've sung the last 2 weeks - so beautiful!
Saw Maya on the way home - she's doing a bit better, she's got shelter for the next 4 days and seemed much more upbeat. Wonderful to see.

Drama of the day;
Some of the boys giving Asha a bit of trouble.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A morning on my own.
2) Being IN Sa Penya. Sat in SaP, looking up at everyone on the walls looking down...such an honour to be sat in there with the guys.
3) Roma music. I just love it!

The pic was leaving Sa Penya, a different view of the Old Town for you!

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