Little Kingdom

By icemaiden


This morning there was a photographer at H's nursery, so even though it was her day off, we went up to to have some pictures taken - she took Rapunzel with her and I took a couple of pictures so H could practice her smile! O came too and they were happy to have some done of them together and individually. The pictures looked really good (especially the ones of O on his own as H was behind the photographer making him laugh!). I can see this costing me a fortune!

I got a bit mixed up with times today as when we left nursery, my car clock said 12.10pm, but of course I hadn't changed it since yesterday. This resulted in us having a very early lunch and postponing the supermarket trip until later as I thought the kids would be too hungry. It was only midway through lunch I saw the kitchen clock saying 11.30am.

We never made it to Asda until after 2pm (O needed a nap), but I'm glad we waited as they were both really well behaved. It was the first time they have both been sitting up in the trolley together, although H wanted out to walk around for a while. Afterwards we went to visit Auntie C and cousin L. We had a birthday present for Auntie C and stayed to play and chat for a couple of hours. We were then so late home that we had to get a take away for dinner again, despite having a car full of food! Need to get organised.

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