
We both commuted into London today but went separate directions at Monument/Bank. For me a challenging tech day. I dropped my little Fuji camera before setting off this morning and broke the bayonet rim on the kit lens I use most days (the first bit of camera kit I think I've ever actually broken myself). This was followed by my work laptop which started warning of an imminent hard disk failure on Saturday and after continuing to complain all morning, died just after lunch. A walk over the river to another of our offices saw it checked in with the engineers for a rebuild. I'll be laptopless until Wednesday am. Arghhhh.

This shot is something I've been meaning to do for a while. With a bit of time as I wasn't rushing home, it was just a matter of patience to get two moving trains at the same time. Yes it's a single exposure, no Photoshop blending. Not quite how I might have framed it but without my 16-50mm, it was the 12mm prime I was left with which was at least easier to balance for the long exposure on a suitable post.

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