Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

Boxed in

I absolutely must knuckle down and practise my interview technique/style/get over the stage-fright. Remember stuff I have done and how to talk about it. It's been an awfully long time.

And that is partly why I went away for the weekend, to clear my head.

I knew that my stuff would be arriving at some point today and so first I re-arranged my room to make better use of it. That ended up involving re-arranging quite a lot of upstairs as it goes, not just my room. But that was good because it meant I unearthed my old portfolio and CV so I can now reacquaint myself with projects I had forgotten about.

And I made some Baba Ganoush which I really wanted to label as Baba Ganesh. And I cleaned the hob. And eventually my stuff arrived. Here it is, my whole world in eight little boxes.

I have unpacked them and put everything away as best as I can and I am going to blip this at the end of the day instead of the start of the next one which is my usual routine. I have been a very bad Blip Buddy these last few days and that is going to continue a little bit longer till I am OK about interviews.

And then I shall wallow in your journals. But for now it's ear-muffs and blinkers till I've cracked it.

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