My Fair Lady

By annh


Another BCAM blip, prompted by some fascinating reading from one of my companion texts. Why a mop? My mother has never been a cook, but she has been a taxi and a mediator. An ever-so-often sewer/knitter, but rarely an advisor. A sometime breadwinner and storyteller, but not a homework helper. My mother cleans - that is her way.

"Breasts are the physical metaphor for giving and receiving. In ancient times they symbolised nature's abundance and nurturing qualities. ...Our culture has skewed the nurturing metaphor so that women will give themselves away to others, without nurturing themselves. Women give and give and give until the well runs dry. If men and women generally went around without shirts, people would see that the major wound for women is the mastectomy scar. ...Though there is nothing wrong with nurturance, nurturance at the expense of oneself can set the pattern for ill health."
Dr Christiane Northrup M.D.

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