An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Go away, this is MY roller door

This brush tailed possum (or one very much like it...) has lived in this roller door for the whole time I have lived here (nearly 12 years). The door is very rarely used, as it is down in the shed and now that I have moved all my mosaicing stuff into the house, the shed is just used for storage.

I found it almost impossible to focus this shot - even with manual focus; not sure why. I took several and this is the only one even vaguely in focus. I have to balance precariously on top of a post to see in to the possums home, so that might not have helped.

We have a lot of possums in the garden, mostly the big brush tailed ones, but some ring tails too. Also there was the incident of the one in the roof, but that's another story and sadly it doesn't have a happy ending... (through it's own fault, not mine - no barbaric anti-possum devices in this house!)

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