Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Wild Purple Flowers

Monday commute, and were back in April after last week's heatwave. Its cool, windy and there's some light rain. Not too bad.

Just go for a quick lunchtime walk. The Pentlands are bathed in sunshine, but it doesn't last for long as clouds are racing across the sky, and they become dark. Just over the railway line, in a dark corner behind a security fence, these purple flowers are making the most of what light they can get before trees come in to leaf. It's a breezy walk back to the office.

The ride home starts off ok. The wind is either pushing me along, or cutting across me. I can see dark clouds coming in from the SW. On the canal it starts raining, and it carrys on until I am nearly home. Not too heavy.

Spend the evening working on detailing my Sunday bike ride.

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