Paint The Stars

By jamieeatworld89

New house, new furniture

I bought a brand new house last Friday and I am so in love with it. I went through a lot of serious ill health: both physically and mentally when I was in my late teens/early twenties, and to surface through all the bad times; all the days wasted in hospital and in bed; days & nights studying for exams at uni and working as many hours as I could just to live, I would never thought I'd come this far. I achieved quite a lot through it all: qualified as a lifeguard (it's always been one of those small things I've dreamt of doing); graduating with a first class honours degree with my mum and grandad watching; completing several running/triathlon races; have the opportunity to teach teenage kids science in secondary schools; have the opportunity to work in Europe's largest pathology lab, and to dissect organs from a variety of patients; i got through a hard time losing a few close family members all at once, over come my own personal, mental demons; and of course I've now bought my 'dream house'. I done most of this whilst very ill that wasn't just physical but also mental. My mum always reminds me how far I've came and when I look back to when I started becoming ill when I was 18 and now healthy at 29. Everyone has different definitions of success but i think I've found mine X

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