Jesus Green - Piano

Jesus Green, a fine place with a proper, freezing cold, outdoor Swimming Pool.. The location for today's piano blip. Is it wrong to arrange client meetings for a convenient piano blip?

The piano thing is getting a lot of attention in Cambridge, the chap playing to day had a mate on banjo, passers by seemed to enjoy the show. In other parts of the town other things are going on.

Piano Flash Mob!

Take a look at the videos on here. A lot of people are enjoying these pianos.

This is better Large as you can see that woman looking back with no anger whatsoever!

Back in the real world we have presented two sets of final designs to clients, both are really happy which is brilliant. Just need to build the sites now ;)

And there is cake at the end of the desk
And it seemed to be 'Speak like Sean Connery' morning in studio
And I'm off for the rest of the week!

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