Made me cry

I received a large bouquet of flowers from Mr PBs brother and his wife today to say thank you for all I did last week in organising the funeral for their mum. P had been a friend as well as a mum in law, also a sewing, knitting and general craft companion so the small part I played was a privilege. When I opened the box and read the card, I just cried. It’s strange how this week I have been more emotional about her death than I had expected.

A really wet cold day here in the East of England. So the very bright mix of flowers really cheer the place up. Thank you J and L xxx

Cal Mac Up date. We replanted the start of the holiday, booked a train ticket, then I phoned CalMac to be told that they are hoping normal services will be resumed before we go, 4 days. Decisions of what to do!

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