Greeting Card

Not quite ready yet to be mailed to the other side of the Atlantic.  I need to include a short letter -- she likes an update of what I do.  She's turning 94 and doesn't do any online stuff, so it has to be either handwritten or printed with large font.  I actually enjoy keeping in touch with her.  Long story how we met so that is for another time.

Only one class today, and there was going to be only one student to do a presentation, so I had her phone me and we agreed that it would be useless as she needed an audience for the Q&A as well as for feedback, so it would be better to cancel.  For her, it was convenient as she wouldn't have had to force any fellow student to come, but for me as well as it would save me both diesel and parking money.  I did, however, work at home for about 10 hours, with some short breaks in between.  Finished the first-year and second-year planning, and the second PowerPoint for the Intercultural Comm lecture.  By the time I went to bed, I was totally whacked out.

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