Not a Holly.

Or even an Osmanthus.

I wonder if I should leave the name until later to see if our resident horticulturalist/botanist knows it?

Well! The "spinosa" bit's certainly right...

It's probably wise to take care around plants that have a species or variety name of spinosa. As you might guess, these plants have spines.

These names also mean spiny:
Spinescens Spinifer Spinifera Spiniferum Spinifex Spinosum Spinosus

It reckons it's a Desfontainia spinosa

If I keep this up, looking for "Watch this space by me" will be a fruitless exercise.

Last try with this beaut didn't survive over three winters, bloody odd since it's supposed to be Andean.

If at first you don't succeed, cuss a bit and try again.
Like the parrot with a split can only suck seed.

Oooh Bug writt. I've just discovered...
H3 (may need winter protection)

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