
By Tinasstuff

Blenheim Palace

Today we went to Blenheim Palace, the birth place of Winston Churchill and now a World Heritage site. The whole purpose of going there though was to have a blipmeet with Lucie. I was late arriving, I am sorry Lucie. My sat nav had a freakout and decided that it wanted to go home halfway there and adjusted its route. Plus of course as it is holiday time for the schools, roadworks are in full force.

It was lovely to meet the lovely Lucie and her children. As you can tell by the photo the boys got along great. All the kids got along really well. Me and Lucie chatted away happily all day, taking photos at every opportunity.

I took a few hundreds of photos. I am not very good crap at landscape and even the beautiful setting of Blenheim Palace doesn't help me. Got some lovely ones of the children though.

We had a great day, and I have only just managed to stop Ryver talking about his day and go to sleep! Thank You Lucie, A and N.

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