Life with Alice

By elirin


Oh mornings! I love them. After walkies and breakfast and sometimes a little play, it is time for my favourite Major Snoozetime. I usually sleep on the sofa armrest, either on this side with the super soft blue blanket, or on the other side on my red fleece. I sleep so soundly that mum can leave the house and I can’t be bothered to care. Bliss!

We did something very exciting this evening. There is a new app (mum tells me) where you can order food from restaurants and have it delivered! In our city, it’s a first except for pizza. So tonight we tried Moules marinières which is of course mussels in a cream and white wine sauce. I got several pieces and I am pleased to inform you that it was yummy! Mum liked it as well. Great! I wonder if we could order liver sometime.

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