Stubble field

I've blipped this field close to home several times before: under the plough, after the harvest, and gleaned by birds - the same birds perhaps can be seen in flight here, beyond the cattle that have been loosed on to the stubble. My fascination with the colours and contours of this piece of land was reciprocated by the cows, who moved slowly towards me as I stood on the hedge bank to take photographs. Their manure will restore productivity to the ground as the season turns to winter.

Jethro Tull (1674-1741) was an early agronomist whose pioneering techniques revolutionized farming practice. He perfected a horse-drawn seed drill that sowed the seeds in neat and economical rows rather than scattered wastefully abroad. He stressed the use of manure and the importance of breaking up the soil into small particles.

His name was adopted by the British rock band that started in 1962 and is still going strong today - even if they're still Living in the Past.

I can't thnk of a way to stretch this chain of associations to son Huw, currently in Brittany, but I think his blip of Mont St Michel is brilliant - do take a look.

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