Playing with...

...the bluebell of yesterday’s blip.

Found a new app. Trying to discover that it does, although I did put the bluebell through Bitpoem first, and then Polarr. Then Snapseed for the frame.

“Lost” both my “ears” today, or yesterday rather. For some reason I didn’t put them in their dry box when I took them out last night.

Searched everywhere for my hearing this means no throwing out bin rubbish until I am sure they are not in there...

This is one hell of a lot of a few thousands of pounds of equipment...

I haven’t been outside without my “ears”. So they can only be within 3 is too late to check the toilet bowl because that had been flushed before I realised they were missing...

...I have been very stressed lately over something and so I am now considering I have done something illogical and stupid with my “ears”...

...just off to try the fridge...

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