
No prizes for guessing where I was today, and it was glorious.

A speculative meeting to discuss the possibility of becoming a Trustee of the Venture Trust, an organisation I've immense respect for.
To be fair it was a bit daunting, and we need to see if my skill set is a good mix, and just how, or indeed if, they could integrate an England based trustee into an organisation that at present only works North of the border.

The Venture Trust work with young vulnerable and disadvantaged people to empower them to make positive life changes. These might be homeless, abused or on the verge of criminality individuals, or those simply lost in the system. They also use the same approach to work with ex servicemen and women. The method they do this via is a mix of intervention, counselling and Wilderness experience, many of their programs include an extended expedition where self worth, trust and purpose are explored and developed. It really is inspiring stuff - and pleasingly quantifiable. 2017 saw 1345 people supported, 44 expeditions and 2000+ nights under canvas. Just brilliant.

Whatever happens next, it was a very informative and inspirational day.

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