
By fotoday

a peregrines tale

today is the 35th day after the start of incubation and is probably the day the first chick appeared. As the nest is hidden I cannot be certain but I was lucky to see some feeding action and capture lots of photos. So I will try to tell the story through the photos in extra.

It all started when the on guard male (tiercel) was reminded by a stupid pigeon that he should be hunting for food.

Extra 1;  so off he went and came back with his very own pigeon
Extra 2; he delivered it to the nest and the falcon quickly appeared from the cover at the back. Notice how she is at least 1/3rd bigger than him.
Extra 3; she wasn't happy that the offering had not been prepared so she took it off to the kitchen for plucking. He did a short stint of baby sitting.
Extra 4; she returned with the chick ready pigeon.
Extra 5; the tiercel left feeling quite pleased with himself.
Extra 6; new borns don't need much food. All I could see was the top of her back whilst she appeared to be tearing morsels of food for the young. After just a few minutes she took the ready meal to the kitchen larder to store for later.
Extra 7; she immediately returned to the nest with the swagger of a proud mom

I hope you have the time and patience to see the sequence and an insight into the life of a peregrine. I just love them.

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