Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

May moving mayhem

Some complications with the livestock that will involve added expense to be sorted before they can move. Hoping that it will be sorted in time. Little bit of a breaking point for me as the stress took me over for a while. A moan a cry a dog cuddle and a cup of tea and a little better. 3 weeks today we move our stuff. Can't wait.. 

Spent some time at the deer larder sorting and checking it all ready for the new person taking over. Checked my lambing ewes as couldn't see one from the windows. They are right in front of the farmhouse. She was lambing and lamb was coming head only and head had started to swell. Managed to find a leg and bring it forward and lamb her. Big lamb that took a wee bit to get going. Both fine and in maternity ward. Last 4 were keen to come into shed early with the rain.

7c rain heavy at times

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