Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle


My partner and i went to Dunbar today. It was raining in Edinburgh, not good for the Pedal on Parliament. We get the bus down to the city centre, and while we are held up at Tollcross, its not for very long.

We get the train to Dunbar, and we get there at lunchtime, so we head for lunch. The my partner heads down to the Dunbar Craft Studios to drop off some notebooks (covers made from 3 1/2 in floppy discs), earrings made from recycled plastic and some cards.

Afterwards we head down to the east beach, but the tide is in, so we have to walk along the road to the harbour. So we visit the two charity shops in the high street. Then down to the harbour. My blip shows a yacht departing. Its a nice dry day, if a little chilly. We slowly walk around back to the high street for afternoon coffee and cake.

After coffee we go to Zero Waste Dunbar for a rummage. I pick up some prototyping boards for electronic circuits and my partner gets a ream of academic paper for notebooks.

After that, its time to return home. As I head down to the railway station I capture Extra. Also Departing. Nice day out.

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