Golden Rose

After a cool misty morning the day cleared to a lovely sunny Autumn's day with around 16c.

We got to the hospital in good time before my 8:30 appointment for my Endoscopy. It was a long wait to have it done. All went well and we got back early afternoon.

I was told I have mild inflammation which may be caused by me having to take Aspirin for my for my irregular heartbeat. I do have to have a blood test to rule out a bacteria in the gut that can cause inflammation. Other wise all was OK. I had to have extra sedative to do the Endoscopy so don't remember much at all. Apart from a sore throat I am feeling OK.

I was walking around the garden in the wonderful sun to get a shot for today when I came over really tired so thought I would lay down for a short time...  I went out like a light and didn't wake up until three hours later.

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