Back Again . . .

I didn't think I would be back here again, on the estate, walking the dogs round the lanes, tracks, through the fields and woods, by the lake and up on the craig. Nearly twenty years ago I pushed my friend's children round here in their prams and pushchairs, and walked other dogs. I do love this part of the country, the East Neuk of Fife. If I wasn't in Orkney, it's where I would try to live. And having weather like this is a bonus!

Mike is back to his decorating and house alterations, with our now good friends helping him, while I am back helping S & D packing up the old house. Lots still to do, but D's brother has come, like the cavalry, to the rescue! He is just what we needed - someone who can organise and get things done, and being family isn't afraid to tell it like it is! He's also got a very nice little dog with him, so Ollie is thrilled to have another playmate!

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