
By Alberta


Well we discover where the real angels are when we are ill.. or more to the point when I was ... Phew I really think I am out of it now.. not quite 100% but feeling life's energy again... Thank you for all your comments and wonderful support.. especially with my desperate blips ... Many of you mentioned the flu jab. I had one about 2 weeks ago and I really don't know if what I had was related. I have had flu jabs before with no ill effect .. and Mr was not well either so this one seemed to affect us both in ways we have not experienced before..

So there he was being ill in France and me in the UK. Usually we are there for each other although he is not great in the face of illness so maybe it was for the best .. I did feel a bit worried yesterday though when I hit a low point.. but staying in bed seemed to be a part of the answer.. Coincidentally I am reading The Woman who went to bed for a year which I find very funny .. by Sue Townsend.. it cheered me up but I did hope that it was not an omen!!

So I may get to catch up with some of the comments soon.. Thank you all

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