The fool on the hill

By mooncoin


Since Saturday I've been hobbling about with what I think must be Insertional Achilles tendinitis (Google - the hypochondriac's friend). Old ladies in walking frames have been overtaking me going up hill. It is bloody annoying. I'm blaming the 40-odd steps in our new gaff.
I tried to buy three boxes of painkiller tablets today only to fall victim to that most stupid of laws that only allows anyone to buy two boxes. Yes I bet that ridiculous piece of legislation has prevented a countless number of half-hearted suicide attempts: "Sorry sir only two boxes allowed sir. If you want to top yourself the next chemist is over 3 miles down the road. Hardly seems worth the hassle does it sir?"
Went to see Skyfall with Arthur. It's pretty good - and yet still slightly daft as all Bond films are. Another example of the whole world being engrossed in digital technology whilst being obsessed with nostalgia for the 60s and 70s.

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