
By RichC

All Hallows

... is a place in Kent ... and possibly used as London's 4th airport .. all why they consider Stansted as the 3rd .. i will never know .

More plagiarism from the tinternet....

In November 2011, Lord Foster published proposals to improve the transport system of South East England.

Under these proposals, called the Thames Hub, new high-speed rail lines would be built connecting Kent and Europe with North London, and the North East and North West of England.

The scheme would also involve the remodelling of the Thames Estuary, by the construction of a four-runway airport on the Isle of Grain, partially on land reclaimed from the estuary but including land at Allhallows and Lower Stoke.
This plan is controversial.

So you could say that this is a modern day "All Hallow's Eve" as the Kent landscape is transformed with an Airport and a Disney -esque theme park planned by Paramount.

I wonder which is more scary or more exciting ?
Apologies for the poor manipulation ;) and Honest Officer i was only hanging a picture ;)

Toodle pip

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