Jones Journal

By MeeshJ

Save some for me!

Been into school this afternoon to help out with C.I.L. week. The children get to choose a project they want to work on with friends. Child Initiated Learning used to be a complete free for all with not much being done, so now they make them choose something that fits in with their topic. H and her friends have made an Tutankhamen sweet dispenser.
Came home, carved pumpkin while tea cooked then just got soaked doing trick or treat. Drying off now,pumpkin in the window and H is waiting for people to knock our door instead. B thought now he's 13 it's uncool, but has asked me to save him some sweets from the tin.

Hubby has just dropped B off at scouts and said there's a group of lads knocking doors wearing balaclavas?! Removed pumpkin and turned off lights!

Happy Halloween!

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