It’s all...

...very green. Noticed on the way home but my hands were full. In addition to my usual burdens I had a roll of paper tucked under my arm consisting of several A1 sheets of multi-coloured heavy weight was too much effort to try and negotiate the phone camera...that might have resulted in the earphones falling out then I would have had to wrestle getting them back! So this is from the Weim walk and taken from the opposite direction.

The paper was for usual she left her prep to the last minute so I had to pay a trip to Greyfriars Art Shop at lunch time to get this paper for her and her father spent the afternoon cutting out templates for her. She’s leading an activity at Guides tonight.

Luckily the train home was on’s a tight window between me getting home and her heading out.

Anyway...grateful it all worked out and the wee detour at lunch time allowed me to pay a wee visit to Greyfriars Bobby :-)

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