Two can play that game

It's felt like a busy day...Danny was racing against the clock to get his essay written and submitted before flying over to Paris to see his Dad who is there for a few days from the States. I'm fighting serious envy over here! Danny and I lived in Paris when we got back holds a special place in my heart.
The walk home from school seemed to take forever...saw these snails on our way (plus the one in extras). Later on we saw Sinéad and Darcey, and Sinéad's Mom who is over visiting from Ireland. Then tonight we've got Isabel staying for tonight and tomorrow. It's 11,25pm and they're still awake!! Not helped by the fact Nate's woken a lot so far this evening - the poor boy is burning up and obviously not feeling good...hope the paracetamol kicks in and he sleeps...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Hearing Danny's arrived in Paris safely.
2) Sinéad.
3) Having a stocked up fridge.

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