
By fancyfootwork

Cute little box..

Hello There!

What you see right here is a cute little jewellery box, they sell it at my trainee post. The ''WereldWinkel''. < WorldStore. Everything they sell is handmade by people all over the world. And the profit they make, goes back to people who made the product. The people who work there are voluntary, they don't get payed. I think it's really good that this store brings up the attention of poor people in poor countries. And they sell almost everything! From wine to necklaces and jewelleryboxes to recycled mirrors! Very cool, and what I love most about the whole thing is where it comes from! Peru, India, Iraq, Afghanistan, Russia, Kenia, for instance. Very cool, as I said before!

(This jewellery box was made in India. Found it really nice, and was concidering of buying it.)


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