
By RobSmallshire


We awake to bright sun, and after breakfast shoo Jacob and Freya outside. In turn, Liz shoos me out of the house for a ride. I’ve been reluctant to start this season; the snow has only been gone for a few weeks, but now it’s sunny and 17°C, so there’s no excuse.

It’s beautiful.

I stop briefly to photograph Hengefoss. There'll be no ice climbing today.

I'm feeling good, so decide to head down to the fjord to pursue one of my regular routes. Alpe d'Vollen is hard work on this first outing of the year. I'm slowing by Mur de Heggedal so opt for the cycle track rather the the road. I contemplate the role of Strava in the promotion of French as I reach the summit.

Back at home, we fell a poplar tree which threatens to occlude our precious winter sun. We drop it within a few degrees of where we intended, without incident.

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