
so·lo (sō′lō)

n. pl. so·los
1. Music A composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment.
2. A performance by a single singer or instrumentalist.
3. Games Any of various card games in which one player opposes others

1. Music Composed, arranged for or performed by a single voice or instrument.
2. Made or done by a single individual.

A quiet day at home alone - well, not really alone, because of course I am with Harry (pictured) and Gentle and a couple of campus cats strolling through. Activities included working on my classroom orchestra arrangement of Shostakovitch's "Second Waltz" (his version here).  My version has a rather different orchestration - from elementary flute and saxophone to proficient electric bass - but we'll have lots of fun with it.  

oh this reminds me - in a moment of madness maybe, I volunteered to host '"Mono Monday" for the Month of May.  Fighting the temptation to stick to themes that begin with M, I am, as befits a Music teacher, going for an overarching idea of Musical form - though each week's idea can, I hope,  be interpreted in many and broader ways.  For Monday 7th May, should you care to join in, the key word is "SOLO".  It will be mm224, so please tag accordingly and spread the word ! 

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