
By kevinmcc

Me 'n' Clinique

The nice young lady at the cosmetics counter told me that her product would take TEN YEARS off my true age. Really? - WOW.

I must not have applied the product correctly?

Instead - I found out Halloween night - that it tends to scare young children, and even a few suspecting / unsuspecting adults! Not to mention a few teenagers. (ie - TOO old to be Trick - or Treating)

Excess candy? No problem - we bought candy that WE like!

So... I sat outside next to the front door in a lawn chair and remained as still as I could be, as I waited for my prey! Until... it came time to say BOO, muh ha ha, and then offer the candy!

The final evening's tally:

Sadly, two 3 - 4 year old's reduced to tears. Even mom n dad seemed to cherish the moment.

One teenager who said...

"I can see his stomach moving" - he is alive!

One adult who could be heard from the street remarking... YEP - looks like a real person.

One group of teens...

"Hey mom... is this a real person or a fake person?" Three feet later and they answered their own question! Muh ha ha!

AND my favorite of all - was when I was able to "wave" to mom or dad before the kids saw me, so they KNEW they were setting their kiddos up for a REAL surprise:)

"Hey! - go to this house..." as they tried to contain themselves before giggling!."

Ya know, a half century ago it sure was fun to dress up and COLLECT the candy, and NOW in later life it is SO much fun to DISTRIBUTE the candy.

Oh yes, and this is the ONLY time of the year that you will see this blipster in makeup! Not sure where the black eye liner came from, but the dark lipstick is called "Tender Heart" in case you would like to replicate this look :)

I'm glad I'm not a woman. I would NOT want to have to go through this ritual on a daily basis.

And now my only concern is how to get this shit off my face, and then return to the department store to demand a REFUND for a product that evidently did NOT w0rk! :)

Happy Halloween all!

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