
By RobSmallshire

Big Ball of Mud

We spend much of the morning with Agnetha (“I’m named after the girl in ABBA”), and Thale discussing the children’s progress. There’s much to discuss.

I work in the afternoon, but am stymied by a puzzle to which Austin may well have the key, but he’s occupied leading a course in Minnesota.

At three, I head to Mesh Café in Oslo to meet an associate who has expressed an interest in working with us. He’s qualified and keen. Are our goals aligned? He needs to think about it. So do I.

We head on to the embedded software meet-up, swinging by Mike’s to help him carry the beer. Patricia and Johan regale us with tales of androids, for ninety minutes. It’s a good talk. After, we’re drawn, somewhat inevitably, to a nearby bar.

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