Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Rail Sunset

Snapped this at the station this prevening, just before my train pulled in.

On the way home I picked up a delivery of three DVDs - yes, those do still exist, in this world of ultra-HD 4K BluRay. ;) A couple of weeks ago I picked up Footloose, and the original Karate Kid trilogy* (and I was surprised to note, knowing so much more now myself, how much actual legit karate history and philosophy is to be found in Karate Kid). Our kids really loved both films, which spurred an online trip to purchase other 80s films. You know: with stories; and characters. Kind of weird to think about that, in this age seemingly of nothing but continual attempts at blockbusters. (Admittedly, we don't pay much attention, so the only movies we know about are the heavily-advertised ones.)

Today The Goonies, The Breakfast Club, and Grease arrived. TBC might be a bit old for them yet, but the other two should be good. Couldn't find Willow or Ghostbusters, so I'll keep looking. Have to bust out Gremlins too.

*NOT the remake from a few years back, which is. Not. Even. About. Karate.

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