Blush response

By Esper


A suitably gloomy photograph for a gloomy day. A sleepless night in I.B.S. agony, then struck down with a virus at work. Sleepwalked through the day, left home after teaching my lessons, then spent an unpleasant time with bidirectional emissions. After waiting two hours in the doctor's waiting room, walked home at 2100 determined to take this blip which I have been meaning to take for a long time. Best to take it in darkness and it is on the way back from the clinic. This "house" scares the willies out of me even in the daytime; at night, and listening to Film One on my i-Pod, it is terrifying. Is there an international law ruling that all residential areas maintain at least one Boo Radley residence?

Now, time to go to bed and consider what to blip over my net two days in quarantine.

John Foxx - Film One

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