
These two (mother & daughter) were the first hens to move out of the henhouse. They slept in our neighbours' sycamores for a couple of years, & then moved in to our garden. In the first few years G tried to put them in the byre when the weather was bad, but they screeched as if they were being attacked, so she stopped trying. The mother must be at least 14 years old now. Some of the other hens sleep in our leilandi, but there's so much foliage they don't photograph well ;) And the more traditional ones sleep in the henhouse.

I went swimming today & did 40 lengths...I'm hoping to build up to 50 or 60. Afterwards I met Bodkin for a toastie and 'tech talk', which was nice.

A much better day than yesterday weatherwise, despite rain in the afternoon.

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