Tree (not that one)

Tree (not that one)

AND no I didn’t…I’m a girl.

Winter light and the timing was right for this one. We went walking on my favourite trail and I blotted my copybook big time which will lead to sanctions. The Boss has been reading far to much international news and is not quite ready for an atomic war just yet but he was extremely annoyed and I may be subject to field punishment 27….and be on a lead for one part of this track in future. I feel this unjustified and claim a health problem…mainly extreme deafness caused, I am sure, by him yelling “NO!” at me far to often and I just didn’t hear anything at the time. AND I did reappear when treats were up for grabs later but that didn’t work that well either…..

Meanwhile some long lost friends from the middle north are passing through Cromwell tomoro and we will go meet with them. I am not sure if I have ever met but I will be in the car anyway ‘Cos he just doesn’t trust me enough to leave me at home alone. I would probably get my permit cancelled.

Pawscript....We had a visit to our old area this morning and The Boss was encouraged that the move had been a great idea.  See the extra

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